This photograph was taken by me馃摳 on November 16th, 2019, the last time I was able to travel on the train that goes from Constituci贸n to Talca: the last "Ramal of Chile".馃殏
This train passes through different stations: old towns located in the rural sector. There live very humble and kind people馃挄, mostly old people, since the youth is going to live in the city.
My mother lived there in her childhood and every year we "escape" there for a few days, just the two of us. It is a moment that I love very much since she tells me about her childhood and shows me very beautiful places. 馃懇馃挅馃懅
The train and the stations are magical for me✨. I feel that it is a portal to the past馃攽. The people, their customs, stories, homes and everything seems as if it has been paused in time. That's why I love this picture: there I am crossing the portal into the past.